Best Universities at BCS: Universidad Mundial
Would you like to study in BCS, Mexico?
One of the best universities in BCS, Mexico, is the “Universidad Mundial” it has a great prestige, social recognition and is one of your best options since it has a wide variety of options to choose your career or your graduate program.
About the “Universidad Mundial”:
The Universidad Mundial has the largest enrollment in private higher education in the state of Baja California Sur, its main objective is to train integral men and women that they be aware of the needs of its national and international environment.
Universidad Mundial was created in the state to be an element of pride for all those who believe in this land and look for it progress.
It has a wide variety of highly certified degrees which are:
Degree in administration
Degree in Administration and Tourism Management
Degree of Visual Arts
Degree of Architecture
Degree in communication
Degree in public accounting
Degree in Criminology
Law degree
Degree in Tourism Development
Degree in Graphic Design
Degree in Industrial Design
Degree of Design and Dress Industry
Degree in Interior Design
Degree in gastronomy
Degree in Image and Public Relations
Degree in Nutrition
Marketing degree
Degree in Psychology
Degree in Fisiotherapy
Besides having 8 master program:
Master of Business Administration and Management
Master of Human and Social Development
Master of Leadership and Corporate Marketing
Master of Fiscal and Tax Policy
Master of Family and Couples Therapy
Master of Tourism
Master of Educational Leadership
One Engineering:
Engineering in Ecological Development
One doctorate Program (PHD)
International Degree in Political and Social Sciences
The Universidad Mundial has two campuses: